51st ICON Conference in Mumbai - 29th Nov - 1st Dec 2024

International Cancer Links

American Cancer Society
This site and the free phone line provide information to patients on cancer treatment, early detection and prevention, as well as information on a variety of services available to cancer patients and their families.
Cancer Treatment Centers of America
Cancer Education.com
This Web site provides oncology professionals and their patients access to the latest advances in over 20 types of cancer, from prevention strategies and diagnostic procedures to new treatment options and advice on coping with cancer
CancerGuide: Steve Dunn's Cancer Information Page
Cancer Resources: The Leading Mesothelioma Cancer Resource
Cansearch is produced by the National Coalition for Cancer Survivorship (NCCS) to provide survivors and patients with a step-by-step guide to the many cancer resources found on the Web.
The US Department of Health and Human Services' healthfinder® is a free gateway to reliable consumer health information. healthfinder links to online publications, clearinghouses, databases, Web sites, and support and self-help groups, as well as to government agencies and not-for-profit organizations that produce reliable information for the public.
This Web site provides information on many cancer topics by providing information and medical literature from the National Library of Medicine and multiple links to other Web sites.
National Cancer Institute
Sponsored by the University of Pennsylvania, OncoLink offers a comprehensive, well-organized source of cancer information for patients and health care professionals.
Sustaining Oncology Studies (SOS) Europe
This Web site contains information on support, training and research in cancer and includes links to international meetings, cancer-related publications, and international associations.
TeleSCAN Telematics Services in Cancer (European)
This site contains European cancer research information for patients, health care professionals, and researchers.

Specific types of Cancer

Brain Cancer

American Brain Tumor Association (ABTA)
ABTA funds brain tumor research and provides information to help patients make educated decisions about their health care. The ABTA offers printed materials about research and treatment of brain tumors, and provides listings of physicians, treatment facilities, and support groups throughout the country. A limited selection of Spanish-language publications is available.

National Brain Tumor Foundation (NBTF)
NBTF provides patients and families with information on coping with brain tumors. This organization conducts national and regional conferences, publishes printed materials for patients and family members, provides access to a national network of patient support groups, and assists in answering patient inquiries. NBTF also awards grants to fund research. Staff are available to answer calls in Spanish, and some Spanish-language publications are available.

Breast Cancer

Breast Cancer and Environmental Risk Factors Project
This site provides fact sheets, critical evaluations, bibliographies and a searchable database on breast cancer and environmental risk factors.

Breast Cancer Answers
This is a service of the University of Wisconsin Comprehensive Cancer Center, providing accurate and up-to-date information from reliable sources on breast cancer prevention, detection, diagnosis, stage, and treatment.

Breast Cancer Awareness
This interactive site from the US Department of Defense TRICARE provides useful information on a broad range of issues concerning breast health.

Breast Cancer Online
Breast Cancer Online is an independent educational service and information source for professionals working in the field of breast cancer. It includes conference information and reports, news, links, case studies and questions for self-assessment.

Community Breast Health Project
This site offers breast cancer information to patients and survivors of breast cancer. It includes practical advice and links to other Web sites that have breast cancer information.

ENCORE is the YWCA's discussion and exercise program for women who have had breast cancer surgery. It is designed to help restore physical strength and emotional well-being.

Inflammatory Breast Cancer Research Foundation
This Web site is dedicated to the advancement of research on inflammatory breast cancer.

The National Alliance of Breast Cancer Organizations (NABCO)
NABCO is a coalition of more than 370 organizations that provide breast cancer detection, treatment, and care to thousands of women. This site provides information on clinical trials, a resource router to cancer information resources on the Internet, and links to local breast cancer support groups.

National Breast Cancer Coalition
This organization focuses on three main goals in the fight against breast cancer: increasing cancer research, increasing access for all women to quality treatment and clinical trials, and increasing the influence of women living with breast cancer.

Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation
This Organization fights to eradicate breast cancer by funding national grants, education, and screening and treatment projects in communities throughout the US.

Y-ME National Breast Cancer Organization
Y-ME National Breast Cancer Organization has a commitment to provide information and support to anyone who has been affected by breast cancer. This site includes general information about breast cancer and information on screening and detection; information for women and men who have breast cancer; and information for family members and loved ones. Some of this information is also presented in Spanish.

Colorectal Cancer

American Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons

Eye Cancer

he Eye Cancer Network
This site provides information for patients with eye cancer and the health care professionals who care for them

Genitourinary Cancers

American Foundation for Urologic Disease (AFUD)
The AFUD supports research; provides education to patients, the general public, and health care professionals; and offers patient-support services for those who have or may be at risk for a urologic disease or disorder. It provides information on urologic disease and dysfunctions, including prostate cancer treatment options, bladder health, and sexual function. It also offers prostate cancer support groups (Prostate Cancer Network). Some Spanish-language publications are available.

Kidney Cancer Association
The Kidney Cancer Association supports research, offers printed materials about the diagnosis and treatment of kidney cancer, sponsors support groups, and provides physician referral information.

Testicular Cancer Resource Center

Gynecological Cancers

American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists
This Web site lists detailed information for patients on cancers of the ovary, uterus, vulva and cervix.

Center for Cervical Health
This site provides information on emotional and educational support to those diagnosed with cervical disease.

Gynecologic Oncology Associates (GOA)
GOA is a partnership of 16 leading Gynecologic Oncologists throughout California. GOA is dedicated to the comprehensive care and treatment of women diagnosed with pelvic cancers, precancerous conditions, and complex surgical problems.

National Cervical Cancer Coalition (NCCC)
The NCCC focuses on providing support to women and their family members on issues related to cervical cancer disease, screening, treatment, and new research.

National Ovarian Cancer Coalition (NOCC)
The NOCC raises awareness about ovarian cancer and promotes education about the disease. A toll-free telephone number is available for information, referral, support, and education about ovarian cancer. Information about support groups, a database of gynecologic oncologists searchable by state, and educational materials are also available as well as a limited selection of Spanish-language publications.

Ovarian Cancer National Alliance
The alliance works to increase public and professional understanding of ovarian cancer and to advocate for research to determine more effective ways to diagnose, treat, and cure this disease. The alliance distributes informational materials; sponsors an annual advocacy conference for survivors and families; advocates on the issues of cancer to the ovarian cancer community; and works with women's groups, seniors, and health professionals to increase awareness of ovarian cancer.

Head and Neck Cancers

Large Granular Lymphocyte (LGL) Leukemia Registry
This registry assists in the diagnosis of LGL leukemia and establishes a bank of blood and tissue samples from patients with LGL leukemia.

Leukemia Society of America (LSA)
The LSA is concerned with leukemia, lymphoma, and related diseases. It supports research and provides printed materials. Some Spanish-language publications are also available. The LSA also offers financial assistance and provides information about other resources for these patients and their families.

Lung Cancer

Alliance for Lung Cancer Advocacy, Support, and Education (ALCASE)
The ALCASE provides people with lung cancer and to their families that are designed to help improve quality of life. These programs include education about the disease, psychosocial support, and advocacy about issues concerning lung cancer survivors.

Lung Cancer Awareness Campaign
This Web site is designed to increase lung cancer awareness and its increasing impact on women by including lung cancer facts, recent news and press releases.


Lymphoma Information Network
This site is devoted to providing detailed information for those with Hodgkin's disease and non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. The site is complemented with links to other lymphoma sites for patients and physicians.

Lymphoma Research Foundation of America (LRFA)
LRFA funds research and provides educational information on lymphoma. It offers a helpline for general information on lymphoma, as well as referrals to other resources, oncologists, clinical trials, and support groups. A buddy program is available to match newly diagnosed patients with other lymphoma patients who have coped with the disease. Some Spanish-language publications are also available.

Cure For Lymphoma Foundation (CFL)
The CFL funds research and provides education on Hodgkin's disease and on non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. It offers support groups, a patient-to-patient telephone network, living well with lymphoma family forums, newsletters, and educational materials.


Mesothelioma is a rare form of cancer that is caused by exposure to asbestos. It usually forms in the lungs of those who have been exposed to this deadly toxin, but sometimes occurs in the abdominal area. There are a number of therapies available that can help prolong survival and minimize symptoms and discomfort. For further information please check:
Mesothelioma Guide
Mesothelioma Group

Multiple Myeloma

International Myeloma Foundation
The foundation is dedicated to improving the quality of life for myeloma patients while working towards a cure. It offers information about myeloma, complimentary information packages, access to educational programs, a quarterly newsletter, a toll-free phone/email hot line, an extensive patient-to-patient networking program and funding for promising research.

Multiple Myeloma Research Foundation (MMRF)
MMRF supports research grants and professional and patient symposia on multiple myeloma and related blood cancers. MMRF publishes a quarterly newsletter, and provides referrals and information packets free of charge to patients and family members.

Pediatric Cancers

A Starting Point: Children's Brain and Spinal Cord Tumorshttp://www.med.miami.edu/neurosurgery/start_intro.htm
This Web site links to many other Web sites with information about treatment on pediatric neuro-oncology.
Association for the Care of Children's Health (ACCH)
The ACCH has a variety of programs to promote the health of children. It publishes educational materials on child health that is of interest to parents, educators, and health care professionals. A limited selection of Spanish-language publications is available.
Candlelighters Childhood Cancer Foundation (CCCF)
This site provides an introduction to the programs and services of CCCF, including information about publications and local chapters. CCCF is an international nonprofit organization dedicated to educating, supporting, serving, and advocating for families of children of cancer, survivors of childhood cancer, and the health care professionals who care for them.
Children's Hospice International
Children's Hospice International provides a network of support for dying children and their families. It serves as a clearing house on research programs, provides information about support groups, and offers educational materials and training programs for pain management and the care of seriously ill children.
National Childhood Cancer Foundation/Children's Cancer Group (NCCF/CCG)
This Web site informs the public about facts on childhood cancer, stories of cancer survivors, clinical trial information of the Children's Cancer Group, and locations of CCG institutions. A separate password-protected area is maintained for CCG members. This area contains detailed CCG protocols, group operationa such as group-specific mailing lists and Web-based conference board.
Outlook: Life Beyond Childhood Cancer
This is an interactive information and support system for long-term survivors of childhood cancer and their families.
Pediatric Oncology Group (POG)
POG is a National Cancer Institute sponsored cooperative group of individuals and institutions dedicated to controlling cancer among children and adolescents. This site contains listings of POG member institutions, POG's mission statement, and a section for POG members.

Prostate Cancer

Prostate Cancer Answers
This is a service of the University of Wisconsin Comprehensive Cancer Center. It provides accurate and up-to-date information about prostate cancer research, prevention, detection, diagnosis and treatment.
US TOO International, Inc.
US TOO is a prostate cancer support group organization. Goals of US TOO are to increase awareness of prostate cancer in the community, educate men newly diagnosed with prostate cancer, offer support groups, and provide the latest information about treatment for this disease. A limited selection of Spanish-language publications is available.
Prostate Cancer (to register)
Uronet has been designed as an educational service, an information resource and an interactive forum for discussion on prostate cancer for urologists worldwide. The content of these pages is reviewed by a panel of experts and updated on a monthly basis.

Skin Cancer

Melanoma Patients' Information Page
Designed for melanoma patients and melanoma investigators, this Web site includes published results of clinical trials in chemotherapy, vaccines, and gene therapy. It also has a database of research abstracts and a bulletin board for questions and answers.
The Melanoma Education Fund
This Web site provides education about melanoma, emphasizing the importance of monthly self-examination of the skin to detect melanomas early when they are curable.
Skin Cancer Research Foundation of South Australia
This Web site contains facts about skin cancer and information for detection and prevention.

Bone Marrow Transplantation

Bone Marrow Transplantation Information
This site provides information and data from experts in bone marrow transplantation.
National Bone Marrow Transplant Link
This program of the Karmanos Cancer Institute helps patients and families of those considering.
National Marrow Donor Program
The National Marrow Donor Program, which is funded by the Federal Government of the U.S.A, was created to improve the effectiveness of the search for bone marrow donors. It has a registry of potential bone marrow donors and provides free information on bone marrow transplantation, peripheral blood stem cell transplantation and unrelated-donor stem cell transplantation including the use of umbilical cord blood.